Daily Rituals That Have Helped Me Heal Decades of Eating Disorders
For Lisa Faremouth Weber, developing daily rituals and routines helped her overcome decades of suffering from eating disorders. Read Lisa’s story of recovery and how she uses daily rituals to gain power, strength, and personal sovereignty in her life.
Dear ED, Goodbye and Thank You
“If I had the perfect body, no one could say hurtful things to me or make me feel less than. You told me I needed to lose weight to receive love and attention.” In her goodbye letter to ED, guest contributor Allison Mann shares how, after years of struggle, finally saying goodbye to ED allowed her to discover her true self.
Learning to Love Myself and My Body
“My identity as a victim transformed into one of a survivor, allowing me to feel empowered because of the things I have done in order to heal.” Learn more about guest contributor Kailey Fitzgerald’s powerfully inspiring story of finding sobriety and recovery from an eating disorder. Kailey shares how treatment helped her rebuild her life and appreciate her body.
Practicing Nonattachment in Eating Disorder Recovery
Learn how to practice the Yoga philosophy of nonattachment and let go of the eating disorder behaviors and rituals that hold you back.
Making Peace With the Mirror
Once I gave myself permission to stop picking a part my body, mirrors taught me to notice what's possible when we look past ourselves and observe all we are connected to. Read on to learn a strategy to make peace with the mirror.
My Path to Warriorhood
Guest contributor Tara Moon Christopher shares how stepping on the scale at her grandmother’s house at the age of 12 set in motion an eating disorder that consumed her life. Learn about the obstacles Tara overcame to restore her heart, mind, body, and soul and about the meaningful ways she is now giving back and supporting others today.
When Love Comes From Within, It Can't Be Taken Away
Guest contributor Nicole DiGrazia shares how messaging from the fitness and fad diet industries contributed to her eating disorder and how she learned to allow love in to help her heal and live an addiction-free life.
My Journey Overcoming an Eating Disorder and Addiction
“I always felt that if I looked perfect on the outside, no one would know what a mess I was on the inside.” Guest contributor Crystal Hampton shares her story of overcoming an eating disorder and addiction and offers others hope to keep going on their personal journeys. Read more about Crystal’s story and what has helped her maintain recovery.
If It Hadn't Been For Them: A Story of Eating Disorder Recovery
Guest contributor Samantha Brior shares how a weight loss goal inspired by “The Biggest Loser” quickly turned into a life-threatening eating disorder. Her story is one of great hope, as she reminds others through her words and example that recovery—no matter how hard and scary at times—is possible.