Join us for a training on the role of yoga in
eating disorder recovery.

Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group
Enrollment is open for the next cohort of the Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group beginning September 11, 2025. This program is for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, mental health professionals, dietitians, wellness coaches, movement teachers, and anyone who wants to learn about the role of yoga in eating disorder recovery.

Taking Action: A Workshop on Inclusive Eating Disorder Recovery for Yoga Professionals
The yamas and niyamas are essential ethical frameworks that guide our personal yoga practice, and our practice as yoga professionals. In this 3-hour virtual workshop, we will learn how the yamas and niyamas guide us as we take actions that ensure we are holding inclusive spaces for the eating disorders community.

The Brahmaviharas & Eating Disorder Healing: A Workshop for Yoga Professionals
The Brahmaviharas, also referred to as the qualities of the heart, are friendliness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. In this workshop, we will learn tools and practices, including meditation and asana (postures), based on the brahmaviharas and explore how to integrate these concepts into your professional work with private clients as well as your public classes and community. This workshop is for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of yoga philosophy and practices as they apply to eating disorders healing.

Exploring the Role of Yoga & Yoga Therapy in Eating Disorder Recovery: How to Make Your Work Eating Disorder Informed
This 3-session workshop is offered by The Yoga Therapy Insitute and led by Jennifer Kreatsoulas, PhD, C-IAYT, founder of Yoga for Eating Disorders. All three sessions are available Live Online and On Demand.

Yoga Therapy for Inclusive Eating Disorder Recovery Training
Join us for a NEW 12-week virtual training on Yoga Therapy for Inclusive Eating Disorder Recovery led by Niya Bajaj, C-IAYT beginning February 28. This training will deepen your understanding of yoga philosophy and how to apply the yamas and niyamas to remove barriers and biases around care for individuals experiencing eating disorders. Each week includes a deep dive into what it means to be inclusive and supportive of systematically excluded or otherwise marginalized individuals seeking support with eating disorder recovery.

Integrating Yoga into Psychotherapy for Eating Disorder Recovery
This 2-hour training will focus on integrating seated shapes (yoga postures), breathing techniques, meditations, and hand mudras in the therapy room that are specific to meeting needs of somebody who is experiencing an eating disorder.

Blurred Lines: Exploring the Intersection of Diet Culture & Yoga
This workshop will help you gain an awareness of how diet/wellness culture may be showing up (consciously or subconsciously) in yoga spaces, on social media, and in marketing and other media. Learn how yoga teachers can use their scope of practice to create a safe place for all bodies.

Body Image & Embodied Interventions for the Therapy Room
Join us for an experiential training on how to integrate embodied interventions into the therapy room to help clients heal from eating disorders and body image challenges.

Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group
Enrollment is open for the next cohort of the Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group beginning March 3, 2022. This program is for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, mental health professionals, dieticians, wellness coaches, movement teachers, and anyone who wants to learn about the role of yoga in eating disorder recovery.