Check out books Jennifer’s writing has been featured in.
Embodied Resilience Through Yoga
Featuring thirty personal essays about finding resilience through yoga, this inspiring book supports your journey to self-acceptance and empowerment with extraordinary stories of overcoming addiction, working through trauma, and learning how to heal from grief.
Jennifer’s essay, "Revising the Terms of Eating Disorder Recovery," tells her story of motherhood, relapse, and healing. She also speaks out about why much of the language used to describe recovery (slips, backslides, relapse, and even the word recovery) need revising.
Redefining Wellness: The Ultimate Diet Free Guide
In an effort to continue educating teens, families and the general population about the dangers of diet culture, 150 experts and advocates came together to create Redefining Wellness, a free downloadable resource that provides information on living happier, healthier lives without an emphasis on weight loss. The main goal of this e-Book is to provide people of all genders, racial and ethnic identities, nationalities and documentation status, abilities, sizes, and socioeconomic backgrounds with reliable information that focuses on wellness, not weight loss. Read Jennifer’s chapter on yoga and eating disorder recovery.