Meet Nicole Sanders
Y4ED Community member, Nicole Sanders
The Yoga for Eating Disorders Community is thrilled to feature our member, Nicole Sanders, from Australia. Here’s what Nicole has to say about how the Y4ED community has helped her and her family.
“Going back five years ago, I was trying to find how yoga could support my daughter, who was on her journey to recovery from an eating disorder. I have a lived experience with an eating disorder, back in the late 80s early 90s, where we were not blessed with a community to connect and support one another on their recovery journey. It was an extremely lonely, isolating time – I thought I was the only one suffering from this soul-destroying illness. For over a decade, I scrambled my way to recovery alone.
Yoga and mediation was my safe place, and my mat provided me with comfort, I could take down my mask, and I slowly connected in a loving, kind way to my body, and it helped heal my mind. I knew how powerful it was on my journey, so I turned to yoga for my daughter and then my son, who also experienced an eating disorder.
I found Jennifer's Facebook group and have continued to follow all the amazing offerings she provides to the ED community. It was a safe place for myself and my children, providing so many wonderful, healing practices and other resources to support us on our journey.”