Shedding Perfectionism to Learn Patience
With the change of seasons, comes fresh opportunites to learn from the wisdom of nature. When we slow down enough to notice, we can witness how nature models patience and has no intention of perfectionism. Here I share what practicing patience means for me in my life during this time in the pandemic and my life’s journey.
The Gift of Yoga
Guest contributor Julia Manson Cheng discovered yoga during pregnancy, and soon it became one of the most helpful tools for her eating disorder recovery. Read Julia’s story of witnessing her “real self” emerge as her yoga practice deepened.
Appreciation & Abundance: The Benefits of Aparigraha for Eating Disorder Recovery
Learn how to practice the yoga philosophy of aparigraha in eating disorder recovery. Explore the reflection prompts and enjoy two guided meditations on appreciation and abundance to help you bring aparigraha into your life.
Living Yoga in My Recovery
Guest contributor Maz Connolly tells how she applies the yoga philosophies of Ahimsa (non-harming) and Santosha (acceptance) to her eating disorder recovery, and shares the gifts she has gained as a result. Read more to learn the many inspiring ways Maz is living yoga in her recovery.
Welcome to the School for Your Healing Journey
Yoga for Eating Disorders is now a virtual school dedicated to serving the eating disorder community. Read on to learn more!
Practicing Appreciation In Recovery: How it Helps
Read how one woman is practicing appreciation in her recovery, and how how taking time for gratitude is healing her.
Let it Be: The Healing Power of Santosha for Disordered Eating
Guest contributor Agatha Glowacki, PhD, shares how practicing santosha (contentment) has helped her let go of comparing herself to others and taught her how to “sink into my own experience, in the present moment.” Dr. Glowacki shares from her heart about her own yoga and recovery journey, and offers hope to others on the same path.
Personal Statement on Racism and Unwavering Support of Black, Indigenous, People of Color
What actions can I take in my personal and professional life to be inclusive and supportive of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)? The urgency of this question for me has intensified over the past week since the unconscionable murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. This statement outlines the steps I am taking in my business and personal life to hold an open heart and mind to all people and to take actions that support BIPOC. I hope you will join me in the steps I have outlined here, and I welcome you to share with me the actions you are taking so that I can implement them.
Storyteller: Practicing Ahimsa in Eating Disorder Recovery
Learn how the yoga concept of ahimsa (nonharming) has guided guest contributor Kelley Rae Unger to shift from self-violence to self-love in her eating disorder recovery and life.