Connecting with Purpose: The Third Chakra & Eating Disorder Recovery

By Ashley Paige, Yoga for Eating Disorders Writer

Manipura—the third chakra—is known as the solar plexus or fire chakra and it governs our purpose; our right to act. This energy center is located just below the lower ribs and symbolizes our self-esteem, personal power, and strength of will. We feel energetic, confident, and ambitious when this chakra is balanced. However, when we feel insecure, passive, and fearful, this is when we need to seek support or employ tools that help us regain energy and confidence.

How the Solar Plexus Relates to Eating Disorders

When we are struggling with an eating disorder, all of our efforts revolve around making ourselves smaller physically and/or emotionally. Disconnected from the multi-faceted, complex individuals that we are, we put our strengths, our purpose, and our values aside to reach unattainable ideals. We are led by the ego, which takes pride in self-denial of basic needs. Our willpower is seen as an accomplishment that we’ve mastered our bodies. 

Shame is a familiar emotion to individuals living with eating disorders. To avoid feeling it, we keep constantly active and become increasingly controlling of our lives, not only as we relate to food, but other aspects as well. When our positive emotions are so skewed it can be difficult to see the risk in our behavior.

How to Balance the Solar Plexus

Our solar plexus reminds us that our life purpose is not to make ourselves smaller. Having a sense of purpose is the second most predictive element of global life satisfaction, following relationships. Our sense of purpose comes from the coherence between who we are, what we believe, and what we do. Remembering our strengths and our values is a great place to start.

Overcoming an eating disorder provides us with the brain space, time, and energy to dream bigger. We believe we are capable of more than mastering our bodies and set healthy goals for our lives that take us in the direction we want to go. We pursue hobbies that satisfy our souls and connect us with others. We remember that our bodies are not ornaments but the vehicles through which we experience life. We go from seeing them through a critical lens to appreciating them for all the experiences they provide us.

On the other side of an eating disorder, our pride transforms to a sense of self-acceptance of our strengths, weaknesses, and all. We remember our unique humanness and own it. Our vitality returns as we adequately nourish ourselves and we live more spontaneously. Our identity is no longer tied up in our physical body and we rediscover our true essence before the eating disorder took over.

Perhaps it would be helpful in your recovery to explore your strengths and values and work toward identifying a purpose—this could be a form work, a hobby, activity, or anything that connects you to YOU and an energy that helps you feel fulfilled.

When we honor the power within ourselves, that fire burns through all fears. Reclaiming our personal power makes us an agent for positive change that extends beyond our immediate influence. With a balanced solar plexus, we can transform our insecurities to manifest our highest potential.

Interested in learning more about the chakras and eating disorders? Search the word “chakra” on the Yoga for Eating Disorders Community Facebook group to learn more and do the free yoga practices and guided meditations we share.

Raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Ashley is a yoga instructor and body image coach on the Pacific Southwest coast of Nicaragua. Through her recovery of orthorexia she transitioned from a rigorous asana practice to now healing, accepting, and connecting with her body through yoga philosophy. She’s rediscovering hobbies like psychology, baking, music and art, as well as pursuing new interests such as writing and surfing. She believes her healing journey can support others to overcome their own struggles with body image. Ashley writes for our blog and is founder of Ashley Paige Coaching.


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