Resonating Moments: Lessons from the Week
Eastham, Cape Cod.
Last week, while in Cape Cod for vacation with my family, I had the luxury of having time to pause and take in moments that resonated—moments like observing the wonder in my children’s eyes when they first wiggled their toes in the sand, or the sheer joy of doing my yoga practice on the beach with the perfect blue sky above, or standing hand in hand with my husband at the water’s edge. Within each of these moments was a lesson about some aspect of my life, and it was a true gift to sit with those resonating moments and capture them in my memory.
I decided to make an effort to record moments that resonate in my daily life in order to recognize, record, and share what I learn as a parent, yoga teacher and practitioner, and human being.
Each week, I'll share one lesson learned from parenting, teaching yoga, practicing on my mat, and simply living life.
Here's what I learned this week:
Lesson from parenting. Patience truly is a virtue. Family vacation emphasized something I’ve always known about myself to be true—I am not great at patience. Parenthood, in general, has also highlighted this fact about myself. If anyone has advice on how to remain patient when one child is screaming and the other is throwing food, I would be eternally grateful. Please share!
Lesson from teaching yoga. After years of teaching, I still get nervous when I teach a new class or at a new location. It’s startling how easily old insecurities pop up. On the other hand, my nerves also show me how much I care about teaching, the respect I have for this work, and my authentic desire to connect with students and offer them a worthwhile (and inspiring) experience.
Lesson from my mat. Supine twists are juicier if you tuck your knees high up toward your armpits versus simply shifting them to the side. The higher up your knees, the deeper and more intense the twist. It feels really good, too. I’ll be changing how I cue supine twists from now on!
Lesson from life. Twenty years later the pain of grief can still grip my heart with ferocity. Accepting that reality is hard work.
Perhaps some or all of these lessons resonated with you as well. If so, I’d enjoy learning how! Please share in the comments below.
Other Tidbits of Inspiration and Information
Picture of the week. Art work by my 2-year-old daughter, Zoe.
Good Reads
As someone in recovery from anorexia, Wendy Bruno’s article, “3 Things Mother’s Need to Stop Saying in Front of Their Daughters” deeply resonated. I dedicate my recovery to protecting my two girls from this evil disease, and therefore I fully embrace Bruno’s message: There are things women must stop saying in front of little girls “so that they too can learn to love themselves and their bodies just as they are.” In my opinion, this is a must read for all women (not just mothers) who struggle with body image.
According to researchers at the University of Illinois, practicing hatha yoga 3 times a week helps individuals think more clearly, especially compared to stretching or toning exercises. “It is possible that this focus on one’s body, mind and breath during yoga practice may have generalized to situations outside of the yoga classes, resulting in an improved ability to sustain attention,” study leader Neha Gothe, said in a news release. You can read Claire Hannum’s brief overview of the study results.
I love Mary Catherine Starr’s blog post Simple Joys of the Week. Starr creatively connects the pleasures she experiences to the 5 senses. What a great way to practice presence and celebrate moments that resonate!
Do you have any good reads you would like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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