Resonating Moments: Lessons From the Week
Welcome to "Resonating Moments." Each week I share one lesson from parenting, teaching yoga, practicing on my mat, and simply living life. I like to think of this blog feature as a conversation about the stuff of life. My intentions for sharing these lessons are twofold: (1) to make a personal effort to record moments that resonate or ring true (Chime) with who I am at my core, and (2) to offer what I have learned in hopes that you can relate and share about your experiences in the comments below.
Here's what I learned this week:
Lesson from life: Chime is evolving! I am evolving! There's so many new things happening professionally and personally. In reality, the two are not separate. My personal and professional endeavors come from the same place—passion. What I learned this week is that, even though evolving takes hard work and a whole lot of energy, it's truly an exhilarating process when it comes from a place of passion. I am excited to share with you over the upcoming weeks Chime's new services and projects! What are you passionate about in your life? What lights you up? Share in the comments.
Lesson from teaching yoga: This week I have been having extra fun teaching bakasana or crow pose. In addition to breaking the pose down for my students, I have been discussing crow as an archetype. The archetype of crow embodies fearlessness, persistence, and bold expression. Every time we practice this pose, we have an opportunity to practice one or all of these qualities. Think about the courage it takes to lean forward enough for your feet to come off the ground. The fear of face planting often blocks students from leaning in enough. With every attempt at the pose, we persistently practice letting go of fear so that we can fly. I know I could use more crow pose in my life to practice letting go of fears. How about you? Share in the comments. By the way, if archetypes of yoga poses interest you, check out the article What's the Meaning Behind Your Favorite Yoga Pose?
Lesson from my mat: This week I had a yoga photo shoot done (yes, that's me in crow pose). In addition to being excited about having new pictures for my website and promotional materials, I also felt awkward and strangely aware that I was performing instead of practicing. I was intent on perfection. My yoga practice has helped me to loosen the reigns on my perfectionist tendencies, so it was rather disorienting to be on my mat in this hyper-aware performance state. Do you find yourself performing when you practice? Do you worry about creating perfect poses? Please share if so. We can all relate in some way.
My bracelet.
Lesson from parenting: This week I learned to respect the signs when my children are ready for some independence. During the week our morning routine is hectic and schedule driven (I am sure you can relate). This morning Demetra woke up early and came downstairs to hang out with me and Constantine as we hurried to get lunches packed and other items organized before getting the girls ready for school. Demetra asked me to open an arts and crafts project that she wanted to do. I responded that I couldn't sit with her at that time to help her. Without skipping a beat, she confidently said, "Mommy, I don't need help." I paused, considered the fact that she was probably right, and opened the crafts project for her. Twenty minutes later, Demetra proudly showed me the bracelets she made for her and Zoe. I was in awe! And I smiled to myself, knowing that I had done the right thing to let her create on her own. Both girls wore their bracelets to school, excited to show their friends and teachers. Later, she made one for me, too, which I am wearing with absolute pride! I Do you have a similar parenting experience of when you took a step back and let your child take on a project by him or herself?
Perhaps some or all of these lessons resonated with you as well. If so, I’d enjoy learning how! Please share in the comments below.
Other Tidbits of Inspiration and Information
On Mindfulness:
Consider how challenging it is to be present as adults in our nonstop world and how much better off our children will be if we can get them curious about their wellbeing now. The list of books featured in Teach Mindfulness to Kids With These 10 Picture Books by Colleen Clemens, PhD, are a great way to expose children to tools to "[maintain] a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment." By teaching our children about mindfulness, we essentially become a more mindful family unit. The benefits are significant! Dr. Clemens has also brought mindfulness to teens through yoga.
Also on the topic of mindfulness, we adults suffer from over stimulation. With technology literally at our fingertips all the time, our minds rarely rest and are often far away in a digital world. In Why You Need To Stop Checking Your Phone All the Time, Dani Marie Robinson shares a list of personal intentions to "strike a healthier balance." She encourages us to "Notice your own experience in everyday life and if you need to re-calibrate, give yourself permission and adjust." Perhaps some of Dani Marie Robinson's intentions resonate with you?
On Mind Body Spirit Connection:
Why We Feel Emotional on the Yoga Mat (ILLUSTRATED) by Ché Dyer discusses and depicts why emotions surface during asana practice. She explains how, by following the principles of yoga, "we can begin to understand ... changes in our mental state, when we work deeply within our own body and breath—shedding those outermost layers—therefore allowing for the mind layers, the nervous system and all the emotions connected to it, to be broken open." Read this article for a 101 on yoga philosophy as well as a creative and smart look at the "intrinsic connection" between our mind, body, and spirit.
Do you have any good reads you would like to share? Leave them in the comments!
WORKSHOP ALERT! Save the date!
Yoga in an Overwhelming World: Exploring Sukha and Sthira
November 15, 2015; 3-5 PM; Shine Yoga, Perkasie, PA; $40
I invite you to join me and my dear friend and fantastic yoga teacher, Colleen Clemens, for this special workshop! Learn more and register here.